About Me

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One of my favorite lines in Alice In Wonderland is "and WHO are You?" That is a great question to which I would have to answer -I am a mother, a wife, a sister and auntie, an accountant, runner, friend, cook, consumer, reader, photographer, and daughter. I live in the life of a farming family, I love to travel.... too many things to try to pick just one and I would never want to try, these are the things in life that make me tick. I am who I am, you get what you get, and I love my life. In other words... "It is what it is".

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I have much to be Thankful for, let us pray.

     It's been about a month now since the news of the cancer growing in my brother hit the streets.  He looks the same, he talks the same - he knows way more medical terms than before and he is still so stinking positive.

     Turkey day came and went and just like the weeks that have passed since my visit everything just seems to run together.

     I do know I have much to be thankful for.  My family is happy and  healthy we have lots to be thankful for each and everyday.  We don't have cancer in our family - Mark will be fine, it will be different, but it will be fine.  I will pray for that each day of the rest of my life, along with the things I am thankful for.

     Happy Thanksgiving!

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