About Me

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One of my favorite lines in Alice In Wonderland is "and WHO are You?" That is a great question to which I would have to answer -I am a mother, a wife, a sister and auntie, an accountant, runner, friend, cook, consumer, reader, photographer, and daughter. I live in the life of a farming family, I love to travel.... too many things to try to pick just one and I would never want to try, these are the things in life that make me tick. I am who I am, you get what you get, and I love my life. In other words... "It is what it is".

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Remind me to look at the back of my hair....

Can women not see the back of their hair - when the grey grows out?  I am sorry but I should tell you all right now, if this is ever me - please tell me!  I sat behind a woman at the movies the other day and I was just amazed that her daughter (I imagined) was sitting there enjoying the day with her mom (I imagined) and the poor woman just had awful hair.  It makes me wonder, it is easier to just ignore some situations when we get older than get in to a conversation about something that really doesn't mean anything - except to those of us that wish not to be in that situation some day.  Note to self, continue good personal hygiene.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Carlsbad 5000 & Christine

No April Fools - just 10,000 of them :)

I ventured south this weekend to Carlsbad for a weekend visit with Christine and to run in a 5K run deemed one of the fastest runs in California.  I loved the way they ran the events, it was easy to watch near the end, they had amazing runners, and lots of them - I am always happy to run early in the morning, it's the time that I practice so it seems more like a routine than something special and I seem to be getting better about getting nervous.  I still pray that I have fun, don't fall down and am not last, as I do each race - you may laugh, but people fall all the time and I sometimes envision the domino effect - THAT would be awful.
I had a personal best of 28.22 which is 10 minutes better than the last 5K I ran at Disneyland a couple years ago.  I am happy with my time, I am still competitive and wish I could run with the Kenyans in 18 minutes, but then I wish I were rich instead of beautiful too :)

Christine and I had a great time, stayed in a hotel right on the beach and listened to the waves, talked until all hours and as usual I found myself falling in love with my daughter all over again.  It's been almost 29 years now that she's been around and I can not believe the love I have for her, we had a great time.

We walked the little town of Carlsbad and shopped, ate and had some wine - laughed and laughed and it really couldn't have been much better.  It's the small things that mean so much - thanks for a great weekend Christine Ashley -  I love you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.

     Where are they all going, those people that are walking along side the road - mostly with shopping carts, and dogs.  They are everywhere lately and have made me feel uncomfortable and I wish I knew their stories.  Some of them talk all the time so I would assume that if I actually stopped to listen, I may learn about the stories of the world.  It is difficult to avoid eye contact, or not run them over, or not feel completely guilty because you didn't give them something - and if you did, would they just buy liquor?
     I feel for them, and I do wonder, but I suppose because life is a struggle for many, but we don't all stand on the street corner to announce it to the world - I have decided upon the gesture I can do that will help them, and put my mind at ease as well.  Putting my mind at ease meant a trip to Costco, a lot of ziploc bags, some water and snack crackers, some gum, a few wipes and hand sanitizer and a little bit of work putting the bags together to put in the back of my car to hand out, and it did my heart good.
     Now when I see someone that has a sign "anything will help" - I get a trusty survival bag from my car and hand it over to them.  A few have actually been shocked I suppose at the preparedness (my campfire girl training), many are thankful and I even get a smile, one was not very nice and I see him often so I think just to piss him off I will continue to give him a bag of useful items that he doesn't want, or so he says.
     I have made my peace with the people that walk along the streets - I don't know any of their names and I have no idea where they are going but there have been times that I have made a connection and we wave - I have made friends and they have stories, and now they just might tell people about the woman that hands out ziploc bags and I am part of that story.
     A simple trip to Costco has never made me so happy.
     Be kind. Always.