About Me

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One of my favorite lines in Alice In Wonderland is "and WHO are You?" That is a great question to which I would have to answer -I am a mother, a wife, a sister and auntie, an accountant, runner, friend, cook, consumer, reader, photographer, and daughter. I live in the life of a farming family, I love to travel.... too many things to try to pick just one and I would never want to try, these are the things in life that make me tick. I am who I am, you get what you get, and I love my life. In other words... "It is what it is".

Monday, June 19, 2006

Half A Century Oh, my....

     Today I am 50 years old!  As my husband would say, shhhhhhhit.

     Yesterday I celebrated with family and friends at the airport hangar after a few of us celebrated the day by sky diving. It was fabulous and I'll do it again in a split second, and $250.00  :)

     The day was perfection in Lompoc - clear and beautiful and you could see clear to the islands and clear to the mountains on the other.  The air smelled amazing and I had such a great day.  I thank Delia and Karen for going with me - Karen especially because it was the first time she had ever been in a small plane, I am use to that because we fly - so I have to hand it to her for jumping and going up!  They give you no chance to change your mind, the door opens and one after another out you go.   Sue Nooney and Steve put together a fun time.   Great day, great party - it's gonna be a great next 50!

    Happy Birthday to ME :)  And now it's on to AFRICA....

Sky Dive Lompoc !

Birthday Surprise

Delia and Karen jumped too!

We partied - great time, great friends and family.

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